Cybion at the IADFS
London, 14.11.2023
This week Cybion was present at the 9th Annual Conference of The International Association of Diabetic Foot Surgeons (IADFS) in London.
Together with our business partner GAMMA MEDICAL LIMITED we presented our unique Transverse Tibia Transport (TTT)- System to the very interested
Healthcare Professionals, among them very important Vascular Surgeons, Podiatrist Surgeons, Orthopedic Surgeons, etc.
There were a lot of good discussions about the TTT-Treatment, the indications and the outcome in the so-called “no option patients”.
This Treatment generates neo-vascularization based on the tension-stress principles from Ilizarov.
Cybion expects the first cases in the UK at the end of the year.
We want to thank Gamma Medical for their support. Furthermore we want to thank the organizing team for arranging the congress in such a professional way and we are looking forward to joining the next years’ IADFS conference.